Make friends again with the guitar

Minha nova guitarra em um case estiloso | Fotos: arquivo pessoal

Yesterday, i got myself a new guitar. Roni, the guitar player who recorded on my latest album, had recommended i check the Sigma acoustic guitars. It was a precious advice.

I drove with my friend Paavo to a shop situated in the neighbourhood of Kruununhaka called Kitarapaja. I tried a couple of electro-acoustic guitars and i soon settled on one of them. To my curiosity, the smaller model sounded more beautiful; with a clear, sparkling sound of the kind i cherish. Like the tall and friendly shop owner told me: “the size does not matter … for the sound.”

Experimentando as guitarras
O tamanho não importa para o som

And this is how one of the many dark days in my life in Helsinki suddenly brightened. Funny how moody days can shift like that. Carrying my new guitar in a stylish velvet-filled case, i then walked toward a German restaurant which i knew from years ago, when i recorded “Precious Moment” for Spinefarm.

Paavo and i were welcome by a man with a big stomach and a german accent and, following his lead, we discovered a gigantic brunch made of blinis – on the week of Carnaval in Helsinki, many restaurants sell blinis, which i’m thankful for 🙂 – different styles of sausages, chanterelle soup, vegetables, salmon, spaetzels, bretezels and several deserts to go with coffee. Paavo ordered a Paulaner beer while we listened to a woman playing traditional tunes from Bavaria on an accordion.

Zinnkeller, o restaurante alemão | Foto:

This lovely moment brought back to my memory some of the finest moments in my life, which i spent around that same table, together with Loïc Tézénas – the guitar player i used to work with in Montpellier, and Hiili Hiilsemaa, famous producer of Finland, known among other things for his work with HIM and 69 Eyes. Together we would take a one-hour break from recording, eat fast while discussing our accomplishments of the day and what we had left to do. Loïc and i, in those times, had to give up on our mediterranean habits of taking our time at lunch and adopt the finnish style instead : eat as fast as you can and get back to work. 😀

Back home i sat on the floor and i took a closer look at my new friend. Her wood might be less shiny than the wood on her more expensive siblings, but she looks beautiful to me anyway. I started playing her and the sound soon carried me away to a much lighter and sunnier place. How powerful the spell of music! I played for a long time. Paavo threw a couple of coins in my case as a joke and i smiled widely. I realised that i had not enjoyed playing the guitar this way in a very long time. In fact, i had lost interest in this instrument years ago, rather focusing my attention on violins, cellos and keyboards. It felt warm that the guitar and i had renewed our friendship this way.

Ganhei 3 moedas no meu case

Tonight, i am sitting at my desk, in my house situated in the neighbourhood of Kallio and i’m writing this article for a new brazilian website dedicated to rock music called Rockarama. My friend Ricardo Campos asked me if i would agree to share some of my life and musical experiences via articles for his website. I decided i would gladly be sharing with him and with you, readers, and fellow music & life-lovers, wherever you are and for as much as i can.

This beautiful week-end is now coming to an end. Tomorrow a busy week starts again.

My name is Aurélie Potin Suau. Some of you might know me under my artist name Eilera. Welcome to my bubble.

Eilera on Spotify

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